You, rebel. I, too rebelled and wish I had someone to understand and talk to me during this season of rebellion, because I had a whole lot of condemnation rather than love and help. I want to be clear about one thing, don’t let your condemnation pull you away from realizing you are in need of a Savior. There is a redemptive plan for you. But first, we are need to identify the problems and what you should avoid in during this season.
Table of Contents
The Problems
#1 Identify Your Sin
The problem for being rebellion is our fleshly desires and wanting to satisfying them. We know from Scripture that our flesh goes against purity (Galatians 5:19) . Therefore, the things of the flesh are a problem and must identify the what fleshly desires you are giving into. This may be lust, drunkenness, pornography, anger, greed, pride etc. Search yourself. Ask, “What fleshly desires am I giving into and why do I enjoy them?” Creating a list will help.
#2 Do not Be Quiet-Utilize the Body of Christ (Church)
In your rebellion season, identifying that you have a problem is not a enough. What you need to to do is speak it up. Do not be quiet about the problems. Utilize the body of Christ. The body of Christ is there to help lift you in prayer, encourage you, and edify righteously (1 Thessalonians 5:11). Seek help from the Church but make sure that you are running to the elderly, godly brother or sister. Do not run to a friend that you know is struggling with being rebellion too. That will only cost bigger problems and comfort in sin. Instead seek help from the godly and wise counsel.
The body of Christ is there to help lift you in prayer, encourage you, and edify righteously (1 Thessalonians 5:11).
I know this is a huge step. Maybe you were betrayed by some of the Church members. Maybe you are feeling shame to take this step. I want to encourage you, earnestly pray that God will lead you to right people to help you. Through prayer God takes action, lay down your heart’s desires and cast your burdens and trust that He will provide the people you need to help you fight.
#3 Do Not Be Double-Minded
Usually when we rebel we are being double minded. This means unstable in our ways and lack of wisdom to know our right from wrong but rather just give into the wrong quicker. I tell you, do not be double-minded. This means do not be opposite or opposing of your views at different times. Do not go back and forth with yourself. That will only make you unstable.
You want to do good but you do bad instead. This is our flesh, but die to yourself and take up your cross. Face yourself at the foot of the cross. Make a list of the good you want to do and then contrast the list what you really are doing then cast them to Jesus.
The Answers
#1 Run To GOD
Let me be super honest, the answer to all the problems is HELP FROM GOD. To identify your sin, to utilize the Church, and to avoid being double-minded cannot be done out of your own strength. You need God’s help foremost in your rebellion. You will not be able to redeem yourself with your own power. Therefore, seek God to help you. Continuously sought him, continue to plead with Him and let him be your strength in your weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).

#2 Submit to God
To submit to God you cannot skip running to God. Without the help of God you will not be able to submit to God. Therefore, always run to God in every season of your life especially in your rebellion. To submit to God means to humble yourself to God and agree with him that you are a sinner and need of a Savior. He is the only one that can draw you the redemptive plan that He set before you. Run to Him in submission.
#3 Align Your Thoughts With Your Actions
Knowing God’s feelings towards sin and your conscience testifying to them; strive to align your thoughts with your actions. For instance, knowing lying is not okay in the eyes of God, then your actions are not to lie. You know that God does not find delight in drunkenness so you do not drink. Knowing that God wants us to be sober-minded therefore, you do not get high. Put your righteous thoughts in to action. Know what is light and what is dark. The lists you created above can help in this area.
Your attitude towards wanting to get out of the rebellion stage is the most important. If your attitude is to seek righteousness and humility, you will be at quicker pace for your shackles to be broken. If you have an attitude that you do not care and you do “whatever you want” then you will remain hostile towards God and if you die in your sins you have God’s promise that you will end up in hell.
I plead with you to turn to God in submission for help and let him cleanse you in the perfection of His Son, Jesus through His sanctification. Implementing these in your rebellion season can turn rebellion into obedience.
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Be blessed.