God’s work is glorified in the redemption of this, that there exists an absolute and universal dependence of the redeemed on Him. The nature and ruse of redemption are such, that the redeemed are in everything directly, immediately, and entirely depended on God: they are dependent on him for all and are dependent on him…
The Reflection of Christ, Jesus
The Easter season was just upon us yet again; as we look around we observe bunnies, eggs, candy and every manner of distraction from the real meaning of Easter: the life, death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Have we as a society stooped so low that no longer reflect on the riches…
The Answer to Fighting Anxiety and Identifying the Core
I’ve been struggling with anxiety for as long as I can remember. But in the past two years, I’ve been learning how to fight it. It’s been a success and every day has become easier. I don’t give myself any of the credit but Christ because without Him, I would lose the fight every time….
4 Easy Ways To Share Jesus With Post-Its
I started doing this since 2010 and how I got into it was when I was a Sunday School teacher for a group of girls, ages between 10-13. One of the girls asked me how she can share the love of Jesus to others, but without using words because she was not as outspoken as…
Looking at Other Christians Hindered My Faith
When I first became a new believer I was excited to get back into the church and begin fellowshipping with other believers. I was looking forward to getting into topics and digging deeper into the characters of the Bible along with other believers. My curiosity couldn’t wait to know other believers’ perspectives on the Word…