When it comes to eschatology there are many views that will serve you. However, I do strong believe that there is only one view that will serve you well. In this post I will be sharing 50 arguments for the pre-tribulation rapture. It is important for each Believer to do your own study on the rapture views, there are 3 to name. Pre-Tribulation rapture, Mid-Tribulation rapture, and Post-Tribulation rapture. I believe that Pre-Tribulation Rapture is the most aligned with Biblical hermeneutics as I will share with you in the download below.
The term rapture or translation (as many scholars refer to it) is used for the coming of Christ for His Church. The term second coming is used as a reference to Christ coming to the earth to establish His millennial kingdom, an event that is considered by the post-tribulations. The term rapture, is referenced to the Church being “caught up” from the earth and taken to heaven. The term translation is conveyed that those who are raptured are transformed in their physical bodies and corruptible bodies to a spiritual, incorruptible, and immortal bodies.
Table of Contents
Post-Tribulation Rapture View
Post-Tribulationists teach that the Rapture of the Church is at the end of 7-year Great Tribulation, believing that The Church will remain on earth during those 7-years enduring the wrath of God.
However, what they fail to realize is this view dismisses the doctrine of imminence. Imminence according to the world-web dictionary means “the state or fact of being about to happen”.
With the post-tribulation rapture view, the second coming has events that need to take place in order for the second coming to occur. This is not an imminent event. In fact, the Second Coming of Christ, setting foot on earth can be calculated from the moment the Anti-Christ claims to be God and takes hold of the throne in the Temple of Jerusalem.
The Post-tribulation rapture view does not support the proper timing for the Bema Seat Judgement of Christ nor support views of the purpose of the dwelling places in John 14.
Post-Tribulationist often ignore the distinction between Israel and the Church much as in the amillenarian views. Which teach that we are currently living in the 1,000 year reign of Christ. We will not go into this view today.
Mid-Tribulation Rapture View
Mid-Tribulationism is a new interpretation of Scripture relation to the rapture of the Church. This view attempts to reconcile differences between the pre-tribulation rapture and the post-tribulation rapture, in itself has many fallacies that we will not go into today. However, mid-tribulationist in contrast to the post-tribulationist take the view that the rapture will take place before the the “wrath of God”. The mid-tribulation view interpretation claims that the first half of the book of Revelation is not the Great Tribulation. In general, they claim that the Church will go through the “beginning of sorrows” (Matthew 24:8) and not through the “great distress” (Matthew 24:2).
The implication that there is no Wrath of God mentioned during the period of the seven seals and first six trumpets because the state of Israel is protected due to the peace treaty. However, The casual reading of the seals and first six trumpets make clear that the Great Tribulation begins with the early seals not with the seventh trumpet.
Pre-Tribulation Rapture View
The pre-tribulation rapture view is the oldest interpretation of Scripture in relation to the rapture of the Church. The Bible provides many pictures, foreshadows and exhortations to be on alert for a pre-tribulation rapture. The first Christians and early church taught this view. Many teachings have been destroyed by the catholic church during the dark age because they wanted to push their own agenda on Scripture. But visit pre-trib.org for more details on the lost documentations of this teaching.
The implication of this teaching is that those that are Born Again have placed their faith in Christ’s finished work. Therefore, Christ took the wrath on our behalf. The most important and proper hermeneutic interpretation is this view because it is the only view that allows Israelogy to make it’s full effect. Which means that the view makes a sound distinguish between the Church and Israel. The theology falls not only on the prophecies regarding the 7-tribulation in the Old Testament but also the teaching of Paul from Romans 8-11.
Below is a FREE PDF download that will break down theological compartments to help with better understanding this view.
What is included in the PDF?
The PDF Download below support 50 arguments for the pre-tribulation rapture and clarify the issues involved with the other views. It is broken down into 8 compartments.
- Historical Argument
- Hermeneutics
- Nature of the Tribulation
- Nature of the Church
- Doctrine of Imminence
- The Work of the Holy Spirit
- Necessity of an Interval
- Contrasts Between The Rapture and Second Coming
50 Arguments for Pre-Tribulationism Rapture
Send download link to:
“The Rapture Question”- John F. Walvoord
“Every Prophecy of The Bible”- John F. Walvoord
Read about the The Ancient Galilean Wedding and how it supports the Pre-Tribulation Rapture View.
Click Here-> The Ancient Galilean Wedding