In our journey of faith, as we experience a deepening intimacy with Jesus through fellowship with Him in His Word and prayer, our hearts undergo a remarkable transformation. The more we encounter His love and grace through His Word, the more our hunger for Him grows, igniting within us a profound longing to be with Him in the heavenly realm. As this longing intensifies, our focus in life undergoes a remarkable shift, aligning more closely with the desires of our great God and Savior. Let us explore the remarkable changes that take place within us as we delve deeper into this divine fellowship.
But first, carefully read Matthew 6:31-33: The pathway of detaching from a worldly lifestyle.
31 Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Matthew 6:31-33
Table of Contents
When You Deepen Your Intimacy with Jesus:
The Greater becomes our Looking for our Bridegroom’s Return from Heaven
As our intimacy with Jesus Christ deepens, our longing for His return intensifies. We eagerly anticipate the glorious moment when He will come back for His bride, the Church. Our focus shifts from the temporary things of this world to the eternal promise of being united with our Savior in the heavenly realm. We become watchful and filled with hope, eagerly awaiting the day of His triumphant return.
The Greater becomes our Hating any beachhead of sin in our lives
As our intimacy with Jesus strengthens, our aversion to sin grows stronger. We develop a profound dislike for any foothold sin may have in our lives. We become more aware of the destructive nature of sin and its separation from God. With a heart transformed by His love, we actively pursue a life of holiness, striving to remove any sin that hinders our relationship with our Heavenly Father.
The Greater becomes our Investing our time in Christ’s Body, His Church
With an increasing hunger for Christ, we recognize the importance of investing our time and energy in His body, the Church. We understand that we are called to be active members of the community of believers, supporting and encouraging one another. Our commitment to the Church deepens as we seek to serve, edify, and contribute to the growth of God’s kingdom on earth through our involvement in various ministries and acts of love.
The Greater becomes our seeking to Evangelize to Lost People close and those around the World
As our intimacy with Christ flourishes, our heart for the lost expands. We develop a burning desire to share the life-transforming message of the Gospel with those who have yet to know Him. We become passionate about reaching out to people close to us and those from all corners of the world, sharing the good news of salvation and inviting them into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
The Greater becomes our Sensing of Satan’s Lies in the Media and Culture of this World
Through our fellowship with Jesus in His Word, our discernment deepens, and we become more attuned to the deceptive tactics of the enemy in the media and the culture around us. We are no longer passive consumers but critically evaluate the messages and ideologies presented to us. Filled with the truth of God’s Word, we actively resist the lies of the enemy and stand firm in our faith, seeking to bring light into the darkness.
The Greater becomes our Asking for God’s Kingdom to Come on Earth
As we grow closer to Jesus, our prayers align with His heart’s desire for the establishment of God’s kingdom on earth. We passionately intercede for the advancement of His reign, longing to see His will be done and His glory manifested in every aspect of life. We understand the significance of praying fervently for God’s kingdom to come, bringing transformation, justice, and reconciliation to a broken world.
The Greater becomes our Walking each day Pleasing God
Through our intimate fellowship with Jesus Christ, our desire to please Him in every area of our lives intensifies. We strive to live in a manner that brings joy to our Heavenly Father, aligning our thoughts, words, and actions with His will. Our daily walk becomes a testimony of our love for Him as we seek to honor and glorify God in everything we do.
The Greater becomes our desiring to be filled with the Knowledge of God’s Will
As we draw nearer to Jesus, our hunger for the knowledge of God’s will deepens. We long to understand His purposes and plans for our lives, seeking His guidance and wisdom in all decision-making. We recognize that true fulfillment comes from aligning ourselves with His perfect will and allowing Him to lead us into a life of purpose and significance.
As we conclude our reflection on the transformative power of intimacy with Jesus Christ, we stand in awe of the ways our longing for Him shapes our lives. Our perspective shifts from the temporal to the eternal, from worldly pursuits to heavenly treasures. Our hearts yearn for the return of our bridegroom from heaven, while simultaneously desiring to rid our lives of any stronghold of sin.
We recognize the value of investing our time in Christ’s body, His Church, and we are propelled to evangelize to the lost, sensing the lies of the enemy in the media and culture around us. We fervently pray for God’s kingdom to come on earth, and our daily walk is marked by a sincere desire to please Him. Above all, we thirst for the knowledge of God’s will, longing to align our lives with His perfect plan. May our hunger for Him continue to grow, drawing us closer to the heart of our loving Savior and shaping us into faithful followers who eagerly anticipate our eternal union with Him in heaven.
Read more on how to deepen your intimacy with Jesus by living a focused life, here.